A Vision of World Peace

Our vision is based in Light Awareness Philosophy, a philosophy which is oriented towards fulfilling humanity’s highest ideals. Founded in 1974 by the visionary and philosopher of healing David Wared, Light Awareness Philosophy is today practiced and lived by many people all over the world. For more information on David Wared, we invite you to visit our page www.worldtourforpeace.org/about-us/david-wared.

The non-profit association Vision Peace Foundation Germany e. V., founded 2017 and headquartered in Düsseldorf (Germany), has dedicated itself and its work to the service of this liberating and healing vision for humanity: the vision of world peace. In all our activities, we support, encourage, and advocate world-wide peace.

Peace is the very nature and, as such, the origin of humanity and all creatures on this earth. In this knowledge and certainty, we give all possible support to the larger vision of world peace, so that peace within people and thus peaceful cooperation among people can be realized all over the world.

Human nature corresponds to the 11 fundamental values, in turn composed of the 5 eternal values Peace, Love, Freedom, Truth, and Unity as well as the universal Light Principles: the Order Principle of order, harmony, and rhythm (also known as the OHR-principle; in German OHR stands for Ordnung, Harmonie, Rhythmus) and the Creation Principle of light, love, and life (also known as the 3L-principle; in German, 3L stands for Licht, Liebe, Leben).

For more in-depth information, we invite you to visit our page www.worldtourforpeace.org/philosophy/11-fundamental-values.

For us, an orientation towards peace is the essential orientation for all of humanity. Only with peace in themselves can a person begin to live all other values and change their life in the light of this insight. Only being at peace with oneself and living peacefully with others enables us to solve humanity’s many serious and existential problems. With such mindset, all parties can visualize and attain new, broader, joyful solutions in the areas of human protection, environmental protection, animal protection, climate change, and resource preservation.

For more in-depth information, we invite you to visit our page www.worldtourforpeace.org/vision/overall-vision-of-world-peace.

Over the course of their lives, people develop. If a person’s development is consciously oriented towards their nature and thus towards their origin, that person’s consciousness will grow more quickly, and they will mature more and more into a consciousness of their nature, towards the 11 fundamental values.

The discovery and cultivation of one’s own inner peace is a vital step in this process. The more one matures along this path, the more one can recognize and feel one’s own nature.

Past a certain point of insight, it becomes a heartfelt wish to live a deeply conscious life—and thus to think, feel, and act in a way oriented towards the 11 fundamental values. We refer to this as an orientation towards an ethics of Extended Humanity.

For more in-depth information, we invite you to visit our page www.worldtourforpeace.org/philosophy/peace.

The ethics of Extended Humanity come out of the oneness and interconnection of all that exists in the world. These ethics are born from a complete acceptance of the whole of creation—of both animate and inanimate nature. Once the equality of humanity, animals, plants, and nature is seen, felt, and lived, these ethics can become realized, fully expressing a free, grateful, and humble attitude towards all life.

For more in-depth information, we invite you to visit our page www.worldtourforpeace.org/vision/extended-humanity.

Evolution of Humanity’s consciousness


Realizing our vision of world peace requires the evolution of humanity’s consciousness. With more and more people going on an inner journey to find peace within themselves, that peace can then be carried outward and made real in their actions, leading to lasting change in the world.

In order to support this evolution of humanity’s consciousness, 100 Adepts of Light Awareness Philosophy will travel to 100 countries across the world over a period of two years, giving a living example of our message of peace. In 100 Congresses of Peace, we will hold workshops, meditation sessions, lectures, and activities promoting peace, as well as offering a space for meaningful dialog and exchange.

With the WORLD TOUR for PEACE, we are making a world-wide contribution to the evolution of consciousness and to sustainable change towards peace, freedom, loving togetherness, truth, and the oneness of humanity.

We have been working on realizing this journey since 2014, when David Wared, the visionary and initiator of the WORLD TOUR for PEACE first articulated the idea. In January of 2017, this led us to found our association.

The association’s greatest project is the WORLD TOUR for PEACE, requiring years of intensive planning. But even after the tour itself is completed, the project will not end: our goal is to develop Cities of Peace in the countries we have visited, which will be supported and shepherded by the association.

For more in-depth information, we invite you to visit our page www.worldtourforpeace.org/about-us/welcome-to-peace

A person’s life is changed and expanded through personal encounter. Any situation must be first lived through before it can be experienced—finally leading to insight. If a person is touched deeply in their heart and receives a spiritual impulse in this way, they can undergo a lasting change.

This is why we seek out personal encounters, sharing our peace and our love directly from person to person, from heart to heart, with people all over the world.

As enumerated in our charter, our association strives for international good will, education, protection of animals and the environment, and other good works.

These are precisely the goals we will also promote in our Congresses for Peace and in all our encounters. Our encounters and cooperation with locals and local organizations, religions, businesses and artists will contribute to a network of world-wide peace and build a consciousness for peace with all of humanity.

An evolution of consciousness changes people and their actions. We are therefore conscious of the lasting implications of our work. In order to sustain these changes in the long term, we encourage and support the founding of and cooperation with organizations which work towards peace on the ground and beyond our visits. Through this process, Cities of Peace will arise in all the countries we visit.

Via our “mother association” Vision Peace Foundation Germany e. V. we provide a legal and human framework for connection, thus ensuring quality and long-term sustainability.

In this way, we can build a world-wide, mutually reinforcing “network and consciousness of peace.”



Vision Peace Foundation Germany e.V.

The non-profit organization Vision Peace Foundation Germany e. V. takes as its mission the promotion of international good will, education, and animal and environmental protection. All our activities are based in Light Awareness Philosophy and serve the evolution of humanity’s consciousness.

1. International good will

Faith and culture are important touchstones for all people.

In the various countries we visit, we will seek encounters with local religions in their temples and holy places in order to experience their ceremonies together, share songs, music, and meditation with them, and pass on our message of peace “Peace begins with me”. With a mutual respect for each religion and faith, we celebrate a supra-religious coming together in a consciousness of peace and oneness.

Wherever we are, we look for ways to connect with people. We meet them in their everyday surroundings and share in their everyday lives: in kindergartens, schools, at work, out in public or even at home.

We also meet with local organizations and individuals who are working towards peace, the protection of nature, or social justice, and seek dialog about our joint visions. We exchange knowledge, wisdom, support, values, peace, and love, connecting people at all levels.

Our association charter describes this as follows:

Holding various events, seminars, workshops, lectures, discussions during the World Tour, with the goals of:

  • Meeting and connecting with people, giving one another impulses, “learning from one another,” accompanying them and supporting them.
  • Meditating, singing, and dancing together.
  • Carrying a consciousness for peace out into the world.
  • Strengthening and advancing democracy, peace, and freedom in all countries of the world.
  • Raising consciousness of the oneness in which we live and connecting all those people world-wide who want to make peace a reality—so that together we can achieve more, true to the statement that “we are strong together.”

2. Education

Our message of peace involves first making peace with oneself and forgiving oneself. As one walks this path—this change in one’s life—one’s own inner peace spreads to others as well. Inner freedom, healing, strength, and connection with the self are felt deeply in the heart, and this deep, heart-felt peace becomes a source of comfort and security.

We educate people and enlighten them on how to find and recognize such deep-seated peace in their own lives and in themselves.

These developments and changes can only succeed if this education happens on the level of the mind as well as of the heart.

Our association charter describes this as follows:

To this end, the association will organize educational events such as workshops, lectures, and seminars for informal learning. These events will aim to support people in the development of their personality through expanding their consciousness towards a life of Extended Humanity.

3. Environmental and animal protection

Every being on this earth has a soul and a spirit and must be respected as such.

Wherever we stay, we plant trees and other plants. We clean all places and spaces we occupy. These actions are further living examples of the Extended Humanity which advocates the dignity of all beings.

We support third-party projects such as turtle sanctuaries and other animal protection organizations, care for animals on the street, and support reforestation work. We honor and respect plants and animals by protecting them, preserving their natural habitats, and influencing political leaders, ministries, mayors, etc. to do the same.

Our association charter describes this as follows:

Supporting environmentally friendly projects for preserving, protecting, and regenerating nature and ensuring sustainability, such as:

  • Raising, encouraging, and maintaining humanity’s consciousness with regard to nature and the earth, via lectures, e. g. on the use of sustainable materials, and living by example.
  • Supporting environmentally friendly projects for preserving, protecting, and regenerating nature on our planet, and ensuring sustainability and a responsible use of resources.
  • Using meditation, reflection, and awareness exercises to raise consciousness of the dignity of all life.

You can download the complete statutes as a document here:

Statute Vision Peace Foundation Germany e.V.

Support &

Support and donations

Do you feel an inner longing and call for peace all over the world?
Does your company or business have grand visions that serve all people?
Do you have the pioneer spirit to stand up for and dedicate yourself to something truly great?

Many people feel the call of peace, but too often, we react with a kind of inner paralysis in the face of all that working towards this goal entails.

Do not hesitate to give this inner call for peace the space it needs.

Turn towards peace. Turn towards your vision of world peace and get in touch with us. There are countless ways of supporting this vision, and we can help you find the way that is right for you.

Anyone who contributes in some small way supports this vision—whether as donor, sponsor, patron, volunteer, or cooperation partner. We are grateful and joyful for all who contribute, seek out information, or help us make our vision of world peace a reality—for all who turn to peace.

For more in-depth information, we invite you to visit our page www.worldtourforpeace.org/support/become-a-supporter


We are looking forward your donations. Please sign in at our bank account:

Recipient of payment:

Vision Peace Foundation Germany e.V.
Stresemannstr. 43
40210 Dusseldorf, Germany

Bank account:

IBAN: DE59 4306 0967 4023 3837 01
Account no.: 402 338 3701

GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG
Christstraße 9
44789 Bochum, Germany

Thank you!

Our Team

Our Team


Currently, our core team is made up of seven people who gather all the threads of the organization. This team is supported by a group of 30 volunteers who are working to further the vision of the world tour.

Picture of Susanne Knopp
Susanne Knopp

Chairman | General Management WORLD TOUR for PACE

Picture of Beate Knopp
Beate Knopp

Vice Chairman | Communication | Cooperation Management

Picture of Karin Knopp-Willigalla
Karin Knopp-Willigalla

Vice Chairman | Public Relations | Corporate Design & Social Media

Picture of Kay Kampmann
Kay Kampmann

Organization | Finance & Administration

Picture of Stefanie Horst
Stefanie Horst

Communication | Cooperation Management

Picture of Monika Koppe-Rulands
Monika Koppe-Rulands

Organization | Cooperation Management

Picture of Leonie Horst
Leonie Horst


Picture of Crew

We also receive support from a group of 30 volunteers who are helping to make the World Tour for Peace a Reality.

Contact us


Press questions

For press information, please write to:


WORLD TOUR for PEACE by David Wared – Channel
